Author: esoperations

October 24-29, 2023
KTC presents its Renowned Fundamentals Training in the Fall at Our Inspiring Menla Retreat Center in Autumnal Splendor

The Fundamentals of KAP Is a community experiential journey of learning what KAP is truly about both personally and didactically.

With Phil Wolfson, Licia Sky, Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Corbett, Gita Vaid, Tom Brod ,and others.

The Menla Retreat Center—in the Catskills
375 Pantherkill Rd, Phoenicia, New York

Limited participation for licensed health practitioners only.

Four BIPOC scholarships are available by application. Registration is now open, and we welcome your application and presence. The registration fee is $500 for all applicants, $400 of which is refundable. We predict the training will fill up rapidly, so we suggest you apply soon.

$3,500 prescribing providers
$3,000 non-prescribing providers
(Room and board separate and additional cost)

Room reservation is made directly through Menla after acceptance to the program at

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