

Preparation for the Training

As a prerequisite to the training, all participants must complete a reading list to familiarize themselves with the basics of pharmacology, ethics, working with alternative medicines, and contemporary scientific studies that elucidate the foundations supporting KAP. Understanding these foundational principles is essential to the training and puts participants on a shared level.

Required reading:

The Ketamine Papers — Wolfson and Hartelius

The Body Keeps the Score — Van der Kolk

How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence — Michael Pollan

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Psychedelic Methodologies and The Impregnable Value of the Subjective—A New and Evolving Approach

Phil Wolfson and Gita Vaid of the Ketamine Research Foundation are pleased to present our comprehensive KAP paper which we hope will be of interest and benefit. 

About Ketamine: The Full Story – A Public Discourse by Phil Woflson MD, Mark Braunstein DO, Ben McCauley

The Ketamine Research Foundation and its practitioner authors share our article for awakening a broad and critical understanding of the spectrum of benefits and hazards of ketamine’s use. As practitioners we are exposed to and probe the personal bases for ketamine’s extraordinary positive value to allay human suffering and for its dependence. We offer this work to increase knowledge about ketamine and ketamine assisted psychotherapy and to further compassionate awareness to individual susceptibilities and experiences. Our article is long and intricate in order to provide a full view.

And in Memory of Ken Jordan, who honored us with his deeply thoughtful editing, this as his last contribution.


As music is an essential support to KAP, the Ketamine Research Foundation provides playlists that are available to users through Spotify Premium. 

Additional Information:

KTC will provide a Dropbox link to our Manual, with which we ask you to familiarize yourself. A printed copy will be provided at the beginning of the training.