Dharma K

An exploration of spirituality, meditation, yoga, and consciousness

dharma k program

April 2nd – 7th, 2024 at Menla in NY

Presenting Our Second Dharma K Program—an exploration of spirituality, meditation, yoga, and consciousness in concert with the ego dissolution properties of the legal psychedelic medicine ketamine. Our aim is to share with each other and to experience the impact of ketamine on contemplative practice and realization, emptiness and fullness, silence and connection, community and compassion, tolerance and respect for differences, love, and empathy.

The ketamine experiences will be embedded in a program of meditation, presentations on contemplative and psychedelic practices, and community building. The event is held in the full confidentiality of personal disclosures. There are a limited number of opportunities to present at the event and we will consider proposals from those who wish to make offerings.

Dharma K will be held at the Menla Retreat Center in Phoenicia, New York between 4 PM on April 2nd and noon on April 7 th . Participation is limited to forty participants. It is sponsored by the non-profit Ketamine Training Center of the Ketamine Research Foundation and by the Menla Retreat Center.

We are requesting that applicants have experience with both mindfulness (in the broad sense of contemplative practices) and psychedelic medicine as a basis for participation, though not necessarily ketamine. This is designed to be a mutual exploration rather than a training program.

Clinicians are welcome and we will provide an intensive exploration of ketamine’s effects, with attention to the different sensitivities we each have. This will inform clinical practice with ketamine but is not a substitute for learning about Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy in one of our formal training programs.

Participants will have the opportunity to personally experience ketamine at three different doses in the context of contemplative practice, as well as to sit for others experiencing a medicine session. Our plan is to administer ketamine via intramuscular injection, although other routes of administration may be considered depending on the needs of specific participants.

Organizers are Ron Siegel and Phil Wolfson in association with Gina Arons, Will Hamilton, Gita Vaid, and others. The KRF BIPOC scholarship fund will offer scholarships, and there will be limited general scholarship support by application consideration occurring after acceptance to the program. We are trying to make this as financially feasible as possible.

There will be pre-and post-assessment measures to enable a view of the impact of the program on each of us and our practices, and an evaluation form.

The Application fee of $500 is compulsory as with all our trainings, $400 of which is refundable, and the Tuition Fee is $3500 for the week. On acceptance, you will be given a link to select your room and board at Menla which is a separate cost.

We are inviting a limited number of prior participants in the first Dharma K program to return as there have been multiple expressions of desire to do so, but we are also providing opportunities for new people to participate.

A link to Phil’s Tricycle paper on Buddhism and intoxication is posted here: https://tricycle.org/article/was-buddha-atheist/

Other papers and training videos will be suggested as we move towards April and we welcome your suggestions.

We want to welcome you to our unique and exciting program and to the conscious and loving community we will form together.

Application Process

  • Welcome to the KTC Application Process. It is designed to be comprehensive to enable selection of participants who will grow from the training and have it inform their practices. Your responses are held in full confidence.

    Confidential Personal and Medical Information
    It is essential that we be aware of any medical conditions, medications, supplements, life experiences or habits that can influence your experience with KTC. Our interest is in helping you have a safe and beneficial experience.
    Please fill out the following as completely as possible. This information is confidential.

    Saving your work
    Please note that the application is a bit lengthy. If you are interrupted and would like to save your work so you can finish it at a later time, please scroll down to the bottom of the form where you will see a link next to the submit button to save and continue the form later. If you click this it will save all the work you’ve done up to that point and give you a custom link you can return to for up to 30 days. You can also request that the custom link be emailed to you once you’ve clicked on the “save and continue later” link.

  • Please note that the application fee is non-refundable

  • This $400 deposit will be applied to Tuition upon acceptance.

  • $0.00

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Grade completed, any post-secondary
  • Medical Intake

  • Please list name, address, relationship and phone number.
  • Please list name and phone number.

  • Please list name and phone number.
  • Please list gender and age.
  • Please list
  • Please include dose and frequency
  • We realize this is a confidential and personal area-all information is only read by the primary training team; some have experience, some have none. It helps us know you better. Please list medicines, their frequencies and last date used
  • Hidden

  • Please describe and indicate the substance(s) involved.
  • Please describe any concerns that might affect your ketamine experiences with KTC.

  • Provide no more than a few words describing the rationale for treatment.
  • If yes, please name the medication(s) and the amount of time you took it (them) – as well as your memory serves.

  • Please give the dates and the nature of the difficulty at the time.

  • Integration

    This work may lead to profound shifts in your life and it is ideal to have a framework of resources in place ahead of time to support you before, during and after sessions. Having support to help you integrate the experience can help you to get the most benefit from the work.

  • (i.e. speaking with trusted persons, art, bodywork, journaling, time in nature, etc.)
  • Please read and sign: I understand that accurate reporting of the above information is necessary to help ensure that I have a safe and beneficial experience. I realize that failure to provide accurate information may compromise my experience, and I have answered this questionnaire truthfully to the best of my ability. I am responsible for my health and I understand that my participation in this event may pose some risks. To the best of my knowledge, I am in good physical condition and I am not aware of any physical or psychological infirmity, which would place me at risk to participate in any way. In the event of a medical emergency, I agree to seek emergency medical care and give permission to initiate contact with emergency medical providers. I will utilize appropriate support so that I may optimize the benefit of this experience, and reduce any risks. In consideration of being allowed to participate in this event, I hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the event’s leader, organizers, hosts and participants from any and all liability, claims, demands, or course of action whatsoever arising out of, or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me whether caused by the negligence of release, or otherwise, while participating in this event, or while in, on or upon the premises where the event is being conducted. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless those with whom I engage this work. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISK OF LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, that may be sustained by me, or any loss or damage to property owned by me as a result of being engaged in the event’s activities whether caused by the negligence of release, or otherwise. In signing this release, I acknowledge and represent that I have read, understood and signed the form voluntarily; I am an adult, of at least nineteen years of age or older, and fully competent; and I execute this Release for full, adequate and complete considerations fully intending to be bound by same. This waiver applies to all present and future work with the Ketamine Training Center and its Facilitators.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Further Includes: Once we receive your application you will be prompted for the application fee of $500. Your application is not complete without payment. Please remember to email your credentials to ketaminetrainingcenter@gmail.com.

  • Have you worked with Ketamine previously? Please describe in a few paragraphs your background and interest in this training. Tell us anything pertinent regarding your personal development and progress through the stages of licensure, commissioning or ordination that might relate to your interest in this program. Include descriptions of your training in therapy or spiritual direction. Please describe any previous experience with non-ordinary states of consciousness that you believe are relevant to this training program
    Please share with us briefly what you hope to do with this training in your work in the world.
  • Important: Please only click the submit button below ONCE. Clicking the button more than once may result in multiple charges on your credit card.

Save and Continue Later